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Smile! Be Happy!

Life Lessons from an Uncommon Housewife!


Author Angela LaRosa

releases this book of irreverant advice for the loving partner managing a busy household, supporting childrens' different personalities and abilities, taking care of personal wellness, and finding reprieve through prayer and a positive mindset.

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Home cooked meals are the key to a family's good health, and that's just not a matter of the food you purchase and serve. Togetherness is what it's all about, and that means making sure that your home is a place to share meals- not just eating them, but cooking them, too!
Led TV
Television offers enjoyment and education. Use it wisely and let it inspire you. Try to avoid negative programming. Even better, see what kinds of entertainment you can do together as a family- without using any electronics.
Get involved, donate to a charity of your choice, and make it a regular part of your financial planning. 
You can make a difference in the world around you, and the process is good for your soul. It is magical!
Stressed Woman
Being thankful everyday and communicating that through prayer is powerful. You will be amazed at the answers you receive when you are heard because your lines of communication are open. When you are spiritually open, prayer can be fulfilling in every way!
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